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Criminal Defense Attorney in New Braunfels

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A criminal charge can turn your entire life upside down. Even if you made a mistake and never meant to break the law, you may be potentially looking at harsh penalties that often come with lifelong consequences and damages to your reputation. This is when you need a legal ally who will advocate for you and fight back against the state on your behalf. That is exactly what Seymour & Vaughn can do for you.

We are dedicated to helping clients throughout Texas, which is why we opened up a new law office based in San Marcos. If you are in the area, stop by so we can take a look at your case and determine what your next course of action should be. We are well-positioned to aid you when you need it the most, whether you’re in New Braunfels or San Marcos. Contact Seymour & Vaughn today to overcome your personal challenges and move forward with your life.

What Should I Do if I Am Arrested for Criminal Charges in Texas?

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If you are arrested for criminal charges in Texas, you have certain rights that you should be aware of. First, you have the right to know why you have been arrested. You also have Miranda rights, which are the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney. These are applicable during an arrest and while you are in custody, regardless of whether a law enforcement officer has informed you of your rights or not. You have the right to present evidence in court to support your innocence and the right to appeal any court decision.

Stay calm and be respectful but firm when dealing with law enforcement. You can choose not to answer any questions without the presence of a lawyer. It is also important to not sign any documents or plead guilty without consulting a criminal defense lawyer first. Finally, be sure to reach out to a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A skilled attorney can provide you with the legal advice and guidance you need to protect your rights and fight back against criminal charges.

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What Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Do?

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A criminal defense attorney’s main role is to provide legal representation for clients charged with a criminal offense with the goal of securing a positive outcome for their clients. A positive outcome may mean having charges dismissed or reduced and, in some cases, negotiating lighter sentences or helping a client qualify for probation, parole, reduced bail, or alternative sentencing such as deferred adjudication.

The attorney assists the client by conducting an independent investigation of the crime and examining the evidence presented by the prosecution. This allows the attorney to identify any weaknesses in the prosecution’s case and formulate an appropriate defense strategy. An attorney can also provide invaluable advice to a client in order to help them navigate the criminal justice system and make informed decisions, such as whether to accept a plea deal or to take their case to trial. At Seymour & Vaughn, clients facing charges can count on receiving skilled legal representation with professionalism, respect, and transparency.

Meet Aaron Seymour

Aaron Seymour Attorney

From a young age, I always knew I cared about people and ensuring they were treated fairly. Any injustice, however small, was something I always wanted to make right. Eventually, that desire to protect people from injustice led me into the United States Army and eventually to law school. Having started my career as a prosecutor for the State of Texas, I saw firsthand the way the state’s resources are brought to bear, often unjustly, on the citizens of Texas.

I always thought that I wanted to make sure “justice” was done as a prosecutor. I have often said that it took being a prosecutor for me to realize that I was always a criminal defense attorney.

Aaron Seymour Lawyer
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Why Is It Better to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney Instead of Representing Myself?

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Many defendants in a criminal case choose to represent themselves without an attorney, something the justice system refers to as pro se representation. While you do have the right to act as your own attorney, it may not always be in your best interest to do so.

Representing yourself requires a lot of work, research, and preparation on your part. You need to be familiar with the legal procedures required for your case and the laws that may affect your outcomes. In most cases, a judge will not give any differentiated treatment to pro se defendants as they are expected to know and act the same way an attorney would. When you are facing criminal charges, you have a lot at stake, and a simple mistake may affect you for years to come. When you hire an attorney, you can get an unbiased opinion about your options and put your case in the hands of a professional who will work with your best interests in mind.

Without an attorney, you may be lacking the resources to build an effective defense strategy or secure a favorable plea deal for your case. Many attorneys have access to expert witnesses and have established working relationships with the prosecuting attorneys of several local courts, which could potentially benefit your case. If you are not sure whether hiring an attorney is right for you, simply reach out to The Seymour & Vaughn and request a no-commitment case analysis to learn more about how a skilled criminal defense lawyer may positively impact your case.

Why Choose Us?

What Kind of Cases Does Seymour & Vaughn Handle?


At Seymour & Vaughn, our legal team can represent clients dealing with a variety of criminal charges in New Braunfels, San Marcos Texas, and surrounding areas. Here are some examples of cases our team handles frequently:

  • Aggravated Assault
  • Bond Reductions
  • Burglary
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drug Crimes
  • DWI
  • Homicide
  • Juvenile Crime
  • Probation Violations (Probation Revocations/Motions to Adjudicate)
  • Sex Crimes

Seymour & Vaughn can handle criminal cases of any complexity, no matter if you are facing felony charges or need representation for a misdemeanor. Even if you do not see your case type listed above, you are still encouraged to reach out to our law office at 830-282-8751 to discuss your case and see how we may be able to help you.

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What Makes Seymour & Vaughn Different?

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At Seymour & Vaughn, Attorney Aaron Seymour and his legal team believe that outcomes mean everything in a criminal case. That is why they are committed to providing clients with quality, aggressive representation and serving as their legal advocates before the state.

Because every criminal case is unique, Attorney Aaron Seymour and Seymour & Vaughn take time to listen to their clients and truly connect with them while helping them understand their charges and options with clarity and honesty. Attorney Aaron Seymour is passionate about fighting for his clients and is not afraid to take a case to trial if it will benefit his client’s case.

Seymour & Vaughn is conveniently located in the heart of New Braunfels, San Marcos, Texas, just 1 minute from the New Braunfels, San Marcos Civic/Convention Center, 2 minutes from the Sophienburg Museum & Archives, and 16 minutes from the New Braunfels, San Marcos National Airport (BAZ). Contact us at 830-282-8751 for more information and to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor in Texas?

Felonies are more serious than misdemeanors and can carry longer prison sentences, higher fines, and more severe penalties. Texas classifies felonies in degrees – a first-degree felony being the most serious type of felony with the potential of resulting in a life sentence in prison. However, a misdemeanor is still a criminal charge and should not be taken lightly, as it can still result in hefty fines and jail time in some cases. Certain misdemeanors can also be charged as felonies when aggravating circumstances apply, such as the use of a deadly weapon.

What are the consequences of a criminal conviction in Texas?

In Texas, a criminal conviction can result in fines, probation, or jail time, depending on the severity of the case. More serious charges, such as first-degree felonies, can also lead to a life sentence in prison, and capital felonies, such as certain types of murder, could also lead to the death sentence. Additionally, even a minor criminal conviction, such as a Class C Misdemeanor, can have lasting effects on a person’s future. Having a criminal record may be damaging to one’s reputation and make it more difficult to obtain employment, housing, or educational opportunities.

What are the elements of a criminal offense in Texas?

In Texas, the elements of a criminal offense include, at a minimum, that an individual intentionally or knowingly committed an act prohibited by law and that the act of commission was punishable by law. In other words, the person knew that what they were doing was unlawful and wrong. For example, if an individual burglarizes a home to steal things while being aware of the fact that their actions are breaking the law, he may be charged and convicted of a criminal offense.

What are some of the defenses to criminal charges in Texas?

Some of the most common defenses to criminal charges in Texas include insanity, lack of intent, and self-defense. If a defendant pleads insanity, the defendant claims that they committed the crime, but their mental illness or incapacity makes them unable to distinguish right from wrong and thus cannot be guilty of the crime. Lack of intent is a strategy in which the defendant claims they had no criminal intent to commit the crime and their actions were accidental or due to intoxication, for example. Finally, a defendant may also try to argue that they acted in self-defense and used deadly force to respond to a threat that caused them fear of death or bodily harm.

Is it possible to get a criminal charge dismissed in Texas?

In some cases, a skilled criminal defense attorney may be able to get a client’s criminal charges dismissed. This can be done in many ways. The most common strategies to have criminal charges dropped or dismissed can include questioning the validity of the prosecution’s evidence and obtaining deferred adjudication. By questioning the validity of the prosecution’s evidence and arguing that they were obtained illegally and in a way that violated the defendant’s constitutional rights, the evidence may need to be suppressed from the case. Through deferred adjudication, the defendant is given a chance to avoid criminal charges by following the requirements set forth by a judge.

What is the difference between probation and parole in Texas?

Probation is a court order for a defendant to serve a sentence in the community instead of serving time in jail or prison. Certain defendants who are given deferred adjudication probation may avoid criminal charges altogether upon successful completion of all probation terms. Parole is the release of a prisoner before the completion of their sentence. Both probation and parole require the defendant to follow specific rules and restrictions, such as not committing another criminal offense or obtaining authorization before leaving the county or state.

How can I expunge or seal my criminal record in Texas?

There are two different options to remove an offense from your criminal record in Texas: expunctions and non-disclosures. A criminal offense that is expunged is completely erased, and all related files are destroyed, while a non-disclosure makes the information about the criminal offense unavailable for the public, and only law enforcement may be able to access it. There are very specific requirements for a person to be eligible for expunction of their records, such as having no new criminal charges filed against them or being charged and later acquitted during an appeal. It is always a good idea to consult an attorney to learn whether your criminal case is eligible for expunction or non-disclosure.

Are there alternatives to jail or prison sentences in Texas?

There are a few different alternative sentences to jail or prison in Texas, such as community service, probation, and fines. These alternatives can be less damaging to a person’s life and future prospects as some defendants may be able to avoid spending time behind bars or having a criminal record if they abide by the rules of their alternative sentence, such as showing up to classes or required meetings and staying sober. However, it is important to consult an attorney in order to weigh the risks and benefits of each option before making a decision.
